Are you struggling with hair loss? You’re not alone! Telogen effluvium is a common form of non-genetic hair loss that affects millions of women worldwide. It’s caused by a trigger such as stress, low iron levels, or an allergic reaction. In this article, we will look at the different triggers for telogen effluvium and how to treat it.
What Is Telogen Effluvium?
Telogen effluvium is a common form of non-genetic hair loss that occurs when the normal balance of follicles in the scalp is disrupted due to a trigger such as stress, low iron levels, or an allergic reaction. This disruption causes more hairs than normal to enter the telogen phase (resting phase) of the growth cycle and subsequently fall out. Symptoms include thinning hair over the entire scalp but can also appear as bald patches in certain areas.
Common Triggers for Telogen Effluvium
There are many potential triggers for telogen effluvium including postpartum, thyroid issues, stress, change in diet, fever/illness, low iron levels or vitamin D deficiency, hormone changes due to on/off medications or birth control/IUDs, on/off supplements or vitamins, hair color allergies, gut issues or allergic reactions, and nutrient deficiencies. Recently there have also been reports of Covid 19 being a potential trigger for telogen effluvium as well.
How To Treat Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium can be self-resolving within 6-9 months once the underlying cause has been addressed and the body has had time to recover from any trauma it has experienced. Treatment options include lifestyle changes such as reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality; dietary modifications such as increasing nutrient intake through supplementation; hair loss shampoo and conditioners; hair probiotics and supplements: laser caps; and medical treatments including topical creams or injections depending on the severity of symptoms. If you think that any medication you are taking may be causing your hair loss then speak with your doctor about switching medications if possible. In some cases, medications can be stopped altogether if they are found to be causing unnecessary side effects like hair loss.
In conclusion, telogen effluvium is a very common type of non-genetic hair loss that affects millions of people worldwide each year and is triggered by various factors such as stress, low iron levels or vitamin D deficiency, hormone changes due to medications or birth control/IUDs etc., gut issues or allergic reactions and nutrient deficiencies among other things. Fortunately, there are ways to treat this condition so if you think you may be suffering from telogen effluvium then make sure to seek advice from a healthcare professional or mention your concerns at your next hair appointment, we can help you create an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for your needs!